$ 13.53

Paper, dissertation organizational culture and cross-cultural management. Analysis of three well known multinational organizations to explore the impact of cross-cultural management on organizational culture

Paper, dissertation organizational culture and cross-cultural management. Analysis of three well known multinational organizations to explore the impact of cross-cultural management on organizational culture

The importance of the present study lies in its explorative and analytical approach, which may help multinational organizations decide how to deal with conflicts between organizational culture and national culture when they have one or more subsidiaries overseas. The investigation will revolve around three large companies which have served as fundamental sources of data: Dell, Samsung and Haier. All of these companies have oversea subsidiaries, which is why they have been selected to investigate the cultural conflicts that may arise when a company with a certain organizational culture operates in a country with a different national culture.
With regards to the research process, interview design and primary data collection represent the most challenging stages. From the data collected, it emerges that it is not necessary to change a firm’s organizational culture to resolve cultural conflicts, as cross-cultural management represents an excellent way to deal with them.

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