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Samenvatting marketing and innovation 1ZM11

Samenvatting marketing and innovation 1ZM11

Samenvatting van alle colleges en artikelen van het vak Marketing and Innovation aan de TU Eindhoven. De reader is samengesteld uit tentamenstof van de colleges, de belangrijkste leerpunten uit de artikelen, en aanvullende en verklarende informatie van het internet.

Summary of all lectures and papers of Marketing and Innovation at TU Eindhoven. The reader is composed out of exam material from the lectures, the most important lessons from the articles, and additional information from the internet.

The following articles are summarized:
1. Moorman and Rust (1999), The role of marketing
2. De Luca et al (2010), Market orientation and RandD effectiveness
3. Workman (1993), Marketing?s limited role in NPD
4. De Clercq, Thongpapanl (2011), Cross functional collaboration
5. Bronner and Walker (2004), Selecting B2B customers in NPD
6. Schreier and Prugle (2008), Lead user theory
7. Fuchs, Prandelli and Schreier (2010), Effects of empowerment
8. Tripsas and Gavetti (2003), Polaroid and manager myopia
9. Rosa et al. (1999), Socio-cognitive dynamics in product markets
10. Mullins (2007), Unks unks
11. Graeff (1997), The means-end chain
12. Kleijnen, Lee and Wetzels (2009) Consumer resistance to innovation
13. Guiltinan (1999), Launch strategy and tactics
14. Zacharias, Nijssen and Stock (2012), Every Pot Has a Lid
15. Kotler, Phillip, Keller (2006): Chapter 12, Setting product strategy
16. Surowiecki (2007), Feature presentations
17. Lee and O?Conner (2003): Network effects products
18. Mudambi et al (1997), Branding importance in B2B markets

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Kevin Dizy

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VWO Sint Maartenscollege Maastricht
HBO Hogeschool Zuyd; Technische bedrijfskunde
Master TU Eindhoven; Operations management and logistics. Afgestudeerd in 2016.
Momenteel werkend in Supply Chain Management.

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