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HESI RN Practice Test--Community Health-Community Health Practice Exam with 34 questions and 100% correct answers/Community Health HESI with over 60 questons and 100% correct answers. Guaranteed success in your exams

HESI RN Practice Test--Community Health-Community Health Practice Exam with 34 questions and 100% correct answers/Community Health HESI with over 60 questons and 100% correct answers. Guaranteed success in your exams

HESI RN Practice Test--Community Health-Community Health Practice Exam with 34 questions and 100% correct answers/Community Health HESI with over 60 questons and 100% correct answers. Guaranteed success in your exams

1.A 12-year-old female is seen by the school nurse after recently experiencing increasing difficulty sitting and paying attention in class, and increasingly illegible handwriting. The nurse observes that the child has protruding eyeballs and a staring expression. What action should the nurse take next? - answer-Gather additional data by taking a health history and measuring vital signs
3. 2. When asked to help develop interventions to combat obesity among children, the community health nurse should stress the importance of implementing which activity? - answer-Set goals that are focused on developing healthier lifestyles

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Preview: HESI RN Practice Test--Community Health-Community Health Practice Exam with 34 questions and 100% correct answers/Community Health HESI with over 60 questons and 100% correct answers. Guaranteed success in your exams
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Anita Muriithi

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