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Ati rn comprehensive predictor retake

Ati rn comprehensive predictor  retake

NGN }Ati rn comprehensive predictor
2023 150 correct questions answers
1. A nurse is caring for a client who has active tuberculosis (TB). Which of the
following actions should the nurse plan to take to prevent the transmission of the
a. Initiate contact precautions for the client upon admission.
b. Restrict visitors from entering the client's room during hospitalization.
c. Wear a surgical mask while providing care for the client.
d. Have the client wear a surgical mask while being transported outside the room.
2. A nurse is caring for a group of clients. Which of the following clients should the
nurse attend to _first?
a. An older adult client who is anxious and attempting to pull out an IV line.
b. A middle adult client who is reporting nausea after receiving pain medication.
c. An older adult client who has kidney failure and returned from dialysis 4 hr ago.
d. A middle adult client who has a terminal illness and is requesting a visit from the
3. An RN is observing a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and an assistive personnel (AP)
move a client up in bed. For which of the following situations should the nurse
A. The LPN and AP lower the side rails before lifting the client up in bed.
B. Prior to lifting the client, the LPN and AP raise the bed to waist level.
C. The LPN and the AP grasp the client under his arms to lift him up in bed.
D. The LPN and the AP ask the client to flex his knees and push his heels into the bed as
they lift.
4. A nurse is preparing to administer insulin to a client via a pen device. Which of the
following actions should the nurse take?
a. Hold the insulin pen device perpendicular to the client's skin to inject the medication.
b. Shake the insulin pen device prior to injecting the medication.
c. Withdraw the insulin from the pen device into an insulin syringe.
d. Hold the pen device in place for 3 seconds after injecting the insulin.
5. A nurse is caring for a client who has immunosuppression and a continuous IV
infusion. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
a. Assess the client's IV site every 8 hr.
b. Check the client's WBC count every 48 hr.
c. Monitor the client's mouth every 8 hr.
d. Change the client's IV tubing every 48 hr.
6. A nurse is providing teaching about advance directives to a middle adult client.
Which of the following client responses indicates an understanding of the teaching?
a. "I can designate my partner as my health care surrogate."

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