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Mental Health Exam (Answered 100% Correctly with Rationales) Latest 2024-2025

Mental Health Exam (Answered 100% Correctly with Rationales) Latest 2024-2025

Mental Health Exam (Answered 100% Correctly with Rationales) Latest 2024-2025
Mental Health Exam (Answered 100%
Correctly with Rationales) Latest 2024-2025
A nurse is establishing a therapeutic relationship with a client who has antisocial
personality disorder. Which of the following strategies should the nurse use when
communicating with this client?
Behave in a friendly manner toward the client
Set realistic limits on the client's behavior
Show respect for the client's need for isolation
Act as a role model for assertiveness
Set realistic limits on the clients behavior
Clients who have antisocial personality disorder can seem to be in control of their
behavior, but are manipulative and impulsive and can suddenly become aggressive
and assaultive. The nurse should establish clear limits on specific aggressive and
demanding behaviors.
A nurse is caring for a child who has conducted disorder and is behaving in a
destructive manner, throwing objects, and kicking others. Which of the following
therapeutic nursing interventions is the priority?
Encourage expression of feelings
Support the child's attendance at an assertiveness training group
Assist the child to perform relaxation breathing
Reduce environmental stimuli
Reduce environmental stimuli
The greatest risk to the child and others is harm. Therefore, the nurse's priority
intervention is to reduce environmental stimuli in an attempt to de-escalate the
behavior and prevent injury.
A nurse in a community health center is working with a group of clients who have
post-traumatic stress disorder. Which of the following interventions should the
nurse include to reduce anxiety among the group members?
Response prevention
Guided imagery
Aversion therapy
Light therapy
Guided imagery
Guided imagery involves assisting the client to imagine a restful and safe place.
This method is effective in reducing anxiety in clients who have post-traumatic
stress disorder.
A nurse is performing a cognitive assessment to distinguish delirium from
dementia in a client whose family reports episodes of confusion. Which of the
following assessment findings supports the nurse's suspicion of delirium?
Slow onset
Easily distracted
Easily distracted
Extreme distractibility is a hallmark manifestation of delirium.
A nurse is caring for an older adult client who begins to cry and states, "I knew
God would punish me and I deserve this horrible sickness!" Which of the
following responses should the nurse make?
"Why do you think you deserve this punishment?"
"Don't worry about being punished by God."
"Let's talk about what is upsetting you."
"You shouldn't say things that will upset you so much."
"Let's talk about what is upsetting you."
The nurse is acknowledging the client's concerns and is showing a desire to
understand what the client is thinking and feeling.
A client who has a recent diagnosis of bipolar disorder is placed in a room with a
client who has severe depression. The client who has depression reports to the
nurse, "My roommate never sleeps and keeps me up, too." Which of the following
actions should the nurse take?
Move the client who has bipolar disorder to a private room
Administer sleep medication to the client who has bipolar disorder.
Move the client who has severe depression to a private room.
Administer sleep medication to the client who has severe depression.
Move the client who has bipolar disorder to a private room.
Clients who have bipolar disorder can disrupt the therapeutic milieu for other
clients. Therefore, the nurse should move this client to a private room.
A nurse is caring for a group of clients. Which of the following findings is he nurse
required to report?
A client who has bipolar disorder and tested positive for genital herpes simplex
virus reports having multiple sexual partners.
A client who has depression reports having a lack of interest in assisting their
partner in the care of their children.
A client who has borderline personality disorder threatened to harm their
An adolescent client who has anorexia nervosa has a BMI of 17.
A client who has borderline personality disorder threatened to harm their
Manifestations of borderline personality disorder include disturbed interpersonal
relationships accompanied by threats and other-directed violence. While it is
important for the nurse to maintain the client's confidentiality, on occasions when
another individual's life might be in danger, the nurse is required by law to report it
to authorities.
A nurse is planning discharge teaching with a new family member of a client who
has a new diagnosis of depression. Which of the following information about
relapse should the nurse include?

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