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Galen NUR 242 Exam 3 Streb Med Surg Exam 3 Complete study guide|Galen College of Nursing - NUR 242 MS Exam 3 with Complete Solutions 2024 Updated

Galen NUR 242 Exam 3 Streb Med  Surg Exam 3 Complete study  guide|Galen College of Nursing -  NUR 242 MS Exam 3 with Complete  Solutions 2024 Updated

Hiatal Hernia symptoms usually worsen after meals. These symptoms may be made worse when -
ANSWERS,Lying flat and may resolve with sitting up or walking.
Hiatal Hernia patients should immediately report - ANSWERS,abdominal pain with nausea, vomiting,
and fever
Hiatal Hernia lifestyle changes may include - ANSWERS,elevating the head of the bed when sleeping
to allow gravity to prevent acid from refluxing into the esophagus and remaining upright after meals.
Hiatal hernia Diet should consist of - ANSWERS,small frequent meals instead of eating two or three
larger meals a day. Avoid vigorous movement after meals.
Hiatal hernia foods that should be avoided include - ANSWERS,spicy, greasy foods, onions, tomatoes
and citrus fruits
Gastritis occurs when - ANSWERS,the lining of the stomach known as the mucosa becomes inflamed
or swollen. When the stomach mucosa becomes inflamed edema, hemorrhage and erosion of the
mucosa occur.
Medical treatment for Gastritis depends on the specific cause. Patients will be instructed to stop
taking irritating medications such as - ANSWERS,ASA and NSAIDS
Gastritis medications to decrease the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. these would
include - ANSWERS,Antacids, H2 antagonists, and Proton pump inhibitors
The patient with Gastritis is at risk for - ANSWERS,Deficient Fluid Volume
A nursing priority is to access the patient's hydration status. Includes I&O, Daily Weights, &VS.
Peptic Ulcers Disease - ANSWERS,are a break in the mucous lining of gastrointestinal tract from
continued contact with gastric juice. This results in inflammation. Pain that is worsened by the
ingestion of food.
Ulcers in the mucosa of GI tract occur from several different causes. Duodenal ulcers are associated
with a - ANSWERS,H. Pylori infection
Gastric ulcer pain is described as - ANSWERS,a dull, aching pain, often right after a meal; eating does
not relieve pain and may even worsen it. Pain may also occur late at night.
Other symptoms associated with PUD are - ANSWERS,Nausea with or without vomiting, weight loss,
anorexia, belching and dyspepsia (indigestion). Patient may report a distended abdomen that is
PUD increased risk factor in - ANSWERS,Smokers
smoking contributes to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. Smoking causes an acceleration of
gastric emptying of liquids, promotes of duodenogastric reflux and causes a reduction in mucosal
blood flow. Patient should attend a smoking cessation course.
Gastric Cancer - ANSWERS,Stomach cancers tend to develop slowly over many years. Before a true
cancer develops, pre-cancerous changes often occur in the inner lining (mucosa) of the stomach.
These early changes rarely cause symptoms and therefore often go undetected
The decline of stomach acids has been linked to the frequent use of antibiotics to treat infection.
Antibiotics can kill the bacteria called - ANSWERS,Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), which is though to
be a major cause of stomach cancer
Gastrectomy post care - ANSWERS,Administer protein

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