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Fair Value Accounting. History and Implications (e.g. 2008 financial crisis)

Fair Value Accounting. History and Implications (e.g. 2008 financial crisis)

Academic paper / essay on fair value accounting. Fair value accounting is a financial reporting approach through which organizations ought to evaluate and provide information on a regular basis regarding specific assets and liabilities. From a general perspective the given assets can be termed as financial instruments and the measure is in terms of the prices they can get fro the sale of the given assets or being relieved from their liabilities. Although fair values has had part in U.S. generally accepted accounting Principles (GAAP) for a little over five decades, accounting standards that need or allow fair value accounting have been on the rise in the recent past. However, there are issues that have been linked to fair value accounting that have led to numerous debates. For instance, the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 is linked to the concept of fair value accounting. This has not limited the use of fair value accounting rather it has brought it to the lime light and is becoming a requirement for investments.

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