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Global marketing opportunities for a motor scooter manufacturer.

Global marketing opportunities for a motor scooter manufacturer.

You have been asked by the marketing director of the motor scooter manufacturer you work for to prepare an initial analysis of the global marketing opportunities that the company could exploit. The company manufacturers three models of motor scooter (50cc, 125cc and 200c) and competes in the low to mid end of these markets with a “value for money” offering. Your report should be based on an initial review of the marketing environment factors that are likely to affect the global demand for these products. You are NOT required to make suggestions regarding marketing mix decisions or identify specific markets to enter.
Your analysis should be presented in the format of a report and should not exceed 1,500 words, a reference list must be included.

Conclusion: “emerging markets” like China, Indonesia and South Korea, as well as Europe and the USA represent excellent potential target markets for the company in question.

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