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Samenvatting complete stof politieke communicatie en journalistiek

Samenvatting complete stof politieke communicatie en journalistiek

Samenvatting tentamen PolCom en Journalistiek 2018/2019. Complete tentamenstof --> artikelen, hoorcolleges, gastcolleges en de wekelijkse 5 vragen. Alle 18 artikelen:

McNair, B. (2011). Politics, Democracy and the Media. An introduction to Political Communication

Strömbäck, J. (2008). Four phases of mediatization: An analysis of the mediatization of politics.

Meijer, I. C. (2003). What Is Quality Television News? A plea for extending the professional repertoire of newsmakers an

Aelst, P., Sheafer, T., & Stanyer, J. (2012). The personalization of mediated political communication

Holbert, R. L., Hill, M., & Lee, J. (2014). The political relevance of entertainment media.

Boukes, M. & Boomgaarden, H. G. (2016). Politician seeking voter:How interviews on feel-good talk shows affect trust in politicians.

Reese, S. D., & Shoemaker, P. J. (2016). A media sociology for the networked public sphere: The hierarchy of influences model.

Milojević, A., & Krstić, A. (2018). Hierarchy of influences on transitional journalism–Corrupting relationships between political, economic and media elites.

Reul, R., Paulussen, S., Raeijmaekers, D., van der Steen, L., & Maeseele, P. (2016). Professional journalistic routines and the protest paradigm: The Big Potato Swap in traditional and alternative media. Journalism,

Wouters, R. (2013). From the street to the screen: Characteristics of protest events as determinants of television news coverage.

Valenzuela, S., Correa, T., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2017). Ties, Likes, and Tweets: Using Strong and Weak Ties to Explain Differences in Protest Participation Across Facebook and Twitter Use.

Van Aelst, P., & Vliegenthart, R. (2014). Studying the tango: An analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in the Netherlands.

Vliegenthart, R. (2012). The professionalization of political communication? A longitudinal analysis of Dutch election campaign posters.

Vliegenthart, R., Walgrave, S., Baumgartner, F. R., Bevan, S., Breunig, C., Brouard, S., ... & Palau, A. M. (2016). Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? A comparative study in seven countries.

Brüggemann, M., Keel, G., Hanitzsch, T., Goetzenbrucker, G., & Schacht, L. (2017). Diverging worlds of foreign correspondence: The changing working conditions of correspondents in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Horvit, B., Cortés-Martínez, C. A., & Kelling, K. (2018). 23 Journalism, War, and Peace.

Brants, K., & van Praag, P. (2017). Beyond media logic.

Berger, G. (2018). Is There a Future for Journalism?

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