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The Emergence of Biology and Physiology

The Emergence of Biology and Physiology

This paper examines the emergence of two disciplines in the 19th century. That of Biology and of Physiology. Descartes could be seen as a frontier in biology. Introducing his mechanical worldview that was soon also applied to humans and all other living organisms, he implied a first way to examine organisms. He also introduced dualism. The soul or mind could never be a mere mechanism since it was connected to God and therefore mind and body were separated. During the Enlightenment however, scholars of medicine who examined living organisms soon found out that the mechanistic view wasn’t useful at all times. Also the connection between mind and body was restored with the discovery of the nerve-system connected to the brain. From these changes the emergence of vitalism was evident. Vitalism meant the belief in a clear distinction between living organisms and non-living things. While before organisms were compared to a clock-work. From the Enlightenment, Romanticism emerged in Europe supporting the organic world view and the connection of body and mind. And in Romantic Germany the new discipline of Biology came into existence

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Amy Ruiters

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