$ 4.81

Eriksen - Ethnicity and Nationalism

Eriksen - Ethnicity and Nationalism

Ethnicity and nationalism are pervasive features of the contemporary world, but how far is ethnicity a result of cultural differences, and how much is it in fact dependent on the practical use of, and belief in, such differences? In this book, Thomas Hylland Eriksen demonstrates that far from being an immutable property of groups, ethnicity is a dynamic and shifting aspect of social relationships. Drawing on a wide range of classic and recent studies in anthropology and sociology, Eriksen examines the relationship between ethnicity, class, gender and nationhood, as well as current issues of racism, globalisation and multiculturalism. Influential theories are presented and critically compared in a lucid and comprehensive manner. A core text for all students of social anthropology and related subjects, Ethnicity and Nationalism has been a leading introduction to the field since its original publication in 1993. This new edition - expanded and thoroughly revised - is indispensable to anyone seriously interested in understanding ethnic phenomena. New chapters cover recent studies of migration, cultural creolisation, racism, gender and nationalism, and the dilemmas of multiculturalism.

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